Christmas Calorie Cull

Well… ’tis weigh in day – and as predicted in my previous post – I have gained a nice big chunk… Hopefully most of it has to do with TTOTM looming — but I can guarantee a nice portion of it has to do with my erratic eating and distinct lack of excersize/willpower/both. Hahaha…. it’s so weird reading back through my blog because there are soooooo many highs followed by bottom-of-the-snake-pit lows… and I know that if I was on this journey without the lapband… the bottom-of-the-snake pit lows would last weeks…no months and I would be heavier than when I began. But with this band… I know I just have to ride it out, and move on.

Today’s weigh in is 122.5

I don’t think I am going to continue my 10kg Challenge… I seem to be doing it on my own now! I guess it will always be there.. and I know the number I need to get to… so I’ll get there either way I’m sure! However, I am gonna set myself a Christmas goal… There’s 12 weeks til Christmas… well, 11.5 to be precise… and I wanna get under 110kg by then… do you think it’s possible? 12kg in 12 weeks? I think it’ll be pretty farking hard work… but surely it’s possible… I am averaging about a kg a week – even with the highs and lows…

It shall be named… my “CHRISTMAS CALORIE CULL”

Hahaha… Oh well… I was not one of the people who set goals at the very beginning – and I haven’t set rewards along the way… so I have to do SOMETHING to keep me on track.

Went to that wedding yesterday… wearing Size 18 dress… the BRIDE said “OH MY GOD… you are looking REALLY good” – but yet, my dear M-IN-LAW still had nothing…. absolutely NOTHING to say… Thanks for our support Minlaw… I will just whither away into a twig.. and you just pretend NOTHING has changed.

Anyway… Happy Labour Day Holiday all… (is it even labour day???) ((What IS labour day???)

L x

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5 Responses to Christmas Calorie Cull

  1. Mike says:

    I know its ups and downs from week to week, I get that too. I must admit I din’t post last week either because I had put on a kilo but I think its a temporary thing.

    11.5 kg by christmas, now that is a challenge, if you want someone to do the 11.5 with you, I will give it a go. My target is 123kg.


  2. Mike says:

    Oh yeah…congrats on the Non Scal Victory!

  3. Nola says:

    Hello….long time no hear from me!!! I am a slack tart…what else is there to say really:)
    That sounds like a good plan with the Christmas thing….or maybe you should plan not to have a plan for a while and just go with it?? I think you have enough pressure on yourself with everything else at the moment without that. When you find out about labour day….let me know!!

  4. Emma says:

    Awesome NSV! Good luck on the Xmas challenge, it’s tough but do-able I’m sure.

    All the best!


  5. Jadey says:

    Babe MIL’s SUCK!

    Can I join you with my own Christmas goal? I’m 109kg (Was 109.1 this morning could be 110.2 tomorrow the way my weights fluctuating at the moment) But I would love to be under 100kg by Christmas.

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